Early data modeling for efficent design

Structure your data modelling right from the start of your projects to communicate, describe your data flows and feed your development teams

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Early Data Modeling for Efficient Designs

Data modelling is no longer just about databases. It underpins the design of the whole system, particularly when it comes to designing APIs and events using a design-first approach. Our aim is to provide project teams with practical, efficient tools for modeling data and designing APIs/Events at a very early stage in the project.

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In the early stages of a project, data is very often described using office tools (spreadsheets, graphic presentation tools, word processing, etc.). These tools are ill-suited to the task and are of no help in ensuring the consistency of the descriptions, which quickly become difficult to master. Finally, a great deal of work is required to make these descriptions usable by the development teams.

With Akwatype, the data description is framed from the outset, can be used to communicate with the various project stakeholders and can be used directly by the development teams..

Align your APIs to a shared data model

The applications in your domains cooperate by relying on API. The Data Flow First approach puts data and flow modeling first. For a more agile design of your projects.

Ensure the consistency of the data you expose

Use a shared data model that is independent of your applications.

Master the design of your APIs and Events

Design your APIs and Events on a common base to ensure the consistency of your flows.

Accelerate your API design

Reuse your components efficiently to design new APIs or their evolutions

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How it works

1️⃣ Model your data

Data types, properties, nomenclatures, examples... Build your data model, explore it graphically, share and validate the model with all project stakeholders

2️⃣ Model your flows

Services, API, channels, messages, publish/subscribe... linking APIs and messages to the data model. Describe your flows and explore them graphically with the dynamically generated flow charts.

3️⃣ Generate your API contracts

Automatically create documentation and contracts in standard OpenAPI and AsyncAPI formats directly from Akwatype

4️⃣ Generate your own reports and extracts

Exploit the full potential of your data model by using Akwatype's integrated freemarker editor to generate your own reports and extractions

Who is Akwatype for ?

IT Architect / Developers

They model the type model, the facades and the services in collaboration with Data and Business Analyst. They feed the development process
with the generated OpenAPI descriptions.

Data Analyst / Business Analyst

They participate in the definition of the type model as well as in the validation of data
exposed by the APIs and events (messages).
They use Akwatype graphs and exports to better understand the structuring of the flows and the transported data

Project Manager

They orchestrate the collaboration
around the design process of
of APIs and messages.
It has at any time a detailed and coherent documentation on the data exchanges of its project.

Any questions? We are at your disposal

Discover how we can help you succeed.
Our solutions enable you to accelerate the completion of your projects by taking full advantage of the Data Flow First approach.